(Română) Inaugurarea oficială a cantinei la Liceul ”Mihai Eminescu” din raionul Strășeni

(Română) Inaugurarea oficială a cantinei la Liceul ”Mihai Eminescu” din raionul Strășeni

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(Română) Compania Pontem.X a efectuat reparație capitală în 2 instituții școlare din raionul Strășeni

(Română) Compania Pontem.X a efectuat reparație capitală în 2 instituții școlare din raionul Strășeni

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Conference with the theme: “The basics of healthy eating culture are educated from childhood”

Conference with the theme: “The basics of healthy eating culture are educated from childhood”

At the School Fair, from CIE Moldexpo, Pontem.X Company together with the endocrinologist – nutritionist, Mrs. Luminita Suveica, University Lecturer, doctor in medicine, endocrinologist-nutritionist, organized a conference on the following topics: “The basics of healthy eating culture are educated from childhood” During the conference, they were approached with the thematic parents about micro and macro nutrients, the nutrition of the child, the importance of vitamins, […]


Lunch at the Divertis Camp in Straseni district, tour 5, day 5

Lunch at the Divertis Camp in Straseni district, tour 5, day 5

Lunch is the second most important meal of the day and the richest calorie. The children from Camp Divertis, tour 5, day 5 from the district of Strășeni have part of the healthiest and balanced diet Lunch consists of: soup with vegetables and cream + rye bread, grits with ripe fish, fresh vegetables proportioned with sesame and compote of fresh fruits.


In Straseni district a pilot project was organized to organize the feeding of children and pupils in educational institutions

In Straseni district a pilot project was organized to organize the feeding of children and pupils in educational institutions

In Strășeni district a pilot project was organized to organize the feeding of children and pupils in educational institutions. The new model is based on the outsourcing of these services and was approved by the Government through the Decision no. 1260 of December 19, 2018 on the approval of the pilot project for the organization of nutrition of children and pupils in general education institutions. […]


(Română) Nutriționista Luminița Suveica : ” În primul rând, educația pentru sănătate, trebuie să înceapă din familie, apoi în grădiniță și ulterior în școală.”

(Română) Nutriționista Luminița Suveica : ” În primul rând, educația pentru sănătate, trebuie să înceapă din familie, apoi în grădiniță și ulterior în școală.”

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