Conference with the theme: “The basics of healthy eating culture are educated from childhood”

At the School Fair, from CIE Moldexpo, Pontem.X Company together with the endocrinologist – nutritionist, Mrs. Luminita Suveica, University Lecturer, doctor in medicine, endocrinologist-nutritionist, organized a conference on the following topics:
“The basics of healthy eating culture are educated from childhood”
During the conference, they were approached with the thematic parents about micro and macro nutrients, the nutrition of the child, the importance of vitamins, minerals in human life. The children were challenged to recite poems about food, fruits, vegetables. They expressed interest, accepting the challenge of appearing on stage and winning the flick. The most daring children were rewarded with pineapple-shaped pens and carrots-like erasers.
The parents received useful information and armed themselves with various useful tips.